Blue Ox OTHERLogChain1

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Shown in the picture with a sample of beads. The logchain is a necklace that is worn by Blue Ox Lodge members as a record (or log) of service to the lodge, council or order of the arrow. Shown in the picture is the lodge branding totem. The square is attached by a cord of any material. The cord will hold beads which are symbols of service or other recognition approved by the Lodge. Vigil members may also wear a matching wooden triangle, with three red arrows.

The beads: the beads are worn on the logchain to show participation in significant Lodge, Sectional, Regional, and National Order of the Arrow activities with the following stipulations: 1) beads can given only to members with current dues paid 2) beads are always issued in pairs 3) beads are to worn in order listed below, starting with the bottom beads 4) The Lodge Secretary certifies and issues the beads 5) the bead requirements presented herein took affect at the 2007 Spring Conclave:

Light Blue Beads and 1-1/2 inch white and black hairpipes: shows the total number of years as a dues paying member of the OA. Each pair of blue beads indicates one year of paid dues. Each pair of white hairpipes indicates 5 years of dues paid. Each pair of black hairpipes indicates ten years of dues paid. One pair of blue beads is to be given to all members at the time of their annual payment of lodge dues. New ordeal members should receive a pair of blue beads at the time of their ordeal, for their first year as a dues paying member.

White Beads and 1 inch White and Black Hairpipes: Total years of attendance, at a council summer camp as week long camper or as a participant in a BSA high adventure of at least week duration. Each pair of white beads indicates 1 week of camping or high adventure. Each pair of white hairpipes indicates indicates 5 different weeks as a camper. Each pair of 1 inch black hairpipes indicates 10 different weeks as a camper. Being a member of the camp staff does not count for these beads.

Transparent Blue Beads: for members who have served as staff for Cub Scout or Boy Scout Camp of national high adventure base. The Arrowman must work for one full camping season, including preparation and tear down. A member is not eligible if more than 1 week has been spent as part of a unit contingent.

Gray Beads: for each working at Gamehaven Scout Reservation(GSR) summer camp.

Red Hairpipe 1/2 inch: awarded the OA Founder's Award. This award is retro-active.

Neon Green Beads: Elongomat clan leader. 1 pair is earned by performing the following requirements: 1) undergo Elongomat Clan Leader training. 2) Be an Elongomat Clan Leader for 1 full conclave, from early Friday evening until after the Ordeal ceremony on Saturday evening, or the corresponding period during a summer camp Ordeal 4) Provide proof that at least 1/3 of all members of the Elongomat's own clan obtain Brotherhood membership within 1 year. 1 year consists of 2 conclaves.

Gold Beads: commemorate the Lodges 80th anniversary in 2007. 1 pair can be earned by: 1) Providing 20 hours of service to the Gamehaven Council 2) Attend2 of the following events: winter banquet, spring conclave, fall conclave, camp-o-ree.

Brown Beads and 1 inch Amber Hairpipes: attended a full OA Sectional Conclave. When Arrowman has 10 pair of brown beads, he should turn them in for 1 pair of 1 inch amber hairpipes.

Yellow Beads: attended an OA sectional, regional or national training event of a least a full weekend in duration. For example: National Leadership Seminar, National Advisor Training.

Green Beads: show attendance at a National OA Conference (NOAC), National OA Pow-Wow, National OA Philmont Trek, National OA Leadership Summit or National OA high adventure. Example: OA Trail Crew (Philmont), OA Wilderness Voyage (Northern Tier), OA Ocean Adventure (Sea Base), Arrow Core S.

Ivory Beads: an active member of a Chapter or Lodge Ceremony Team. One pair is earned by memorizing and performing major speaking parts (Kichkinet, Nutikat, Meteu or Allowat Sakima) for 1 event or performing a major speaking part at 2 different events, Ceremony advisor may earn only 1 pair for each year of service.

Light Brown Beads: service to the GSR. 1 pair can be awarded by the Camp Ranger to those who show exceptional service to the GSR. Crystal Beads: awarded the Blue Ox Exemplary Service Award.

Red Beads: a member of the Lodge Executive Committee. They are issued by the Lodge Chief after a member takes office. The Lodge Executive Committee consists of the Past Lodge Chief, the Lodge Chief, the Lodge Vice Chiefs, the Lodge Secretary, the Lodge Treasurer, the Chapter Chiefs, The lodge Committee Chairman, the Lodge Advisor, the Chapter Advisors, and the Lodge Committee Advisors. The Arrowman may earn one pair per year.

Purple Beads: a member has worked at the Lodge Vigil weekend.

Black Beads: attended the Lodge Leaders Development Course (LLD). May be given at each LLD.

Orange Beads: participated or was a staff member for a council training event. Example: NYLT, New Leader Essential, Leader Specific Training, Outdoor Leadership Skill, OWL/WOLF, Baloo, Wood Badge. One set for each event.

White or Black 16mm Beads: a member completed the Ordeal. White round beads are given if the Ordeal was completed as a youth. Black beads are given of the Ordeal was completed as an adult. he award is retro-active.

Blue 20mm beads: obtains the Brotherhood honor. This award is retro-active.

Red 20mm Beads and Vigil Triangle: obtained the Vigil Honor. This award is retro-active.

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Picture from C. Grosz


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Revision History

There have been 8 revisions. Last change was update on 17 Mar 2023 by Todd Snyder

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    Blue Ox (26A) OTHERLogChain1